Excellent article in LinkedIn by a former colleague and human capital management strategist, Mary Sue Rogers.
One interesting element for consideration by organizations pursuing Agile HR is the notion of value created by each core HR activity. As Mary Sue points out, company's need to make choices on which HR activities to invest in becoming Agile. Each organization will value HR activities differently and therefore will want to focus resources and develop solutions that are unique to their organization.
That brings us back to this notion of understanding the value of each core HR activity (i.e. engagement, talent acquisition, payroll, etc.). My premise is that organizations need to be able to assess value - to the organization (financial/non-financial metrics), to the employee (employee experience) and to customers (enabling the desired customer experience) - in a thoughtful, analytical way.
Company's that take a value-based approach will likely better focus resources and are more likely to realize the most value from Agile HR initiatives.